Kestrel's Nest

The Third Year - Spring
Imbolc - Beltaine 2005

A time of certainty and uncertainty, of development and growth...
A time when my Muse decided to abandon me for a well-earned rest whilst I busied myself with other things...

Riding the Unicorn


Riding the Unicorn

With apologies to NG, a master story teller if ever there was one...
Gifts of this sort should, of course, be biodisposable, otherwise they will be resented; they won't work, and may have the opposite effect...

This is the way of the wild things;
This is the way that they come;
With a flash of the starlight that's in them;
With the hope of the world that is young.
On the edge of the forest you'll see them
By the light of the flowering moon,
                   of the moon,
                        of the moon...
Here you may call to the forest;
Speak of your heart's true desire;
Think of the youth that is golden
Whose love you would willingly share;
Bring with you a gift of your making
And the unicorn will come to you,
                   come to you,
                        come to you...
You can climb on his back if he's willing
And travel his way for a while.
Beware for your life will be altered,
Will never the same be again,
For the touch of the wild is within you,
Has entered your blood and flowed through you,
                   flowed through you,
                        flowed through you...
If you wish to keep your reality
Of your work and your home and your life
Don't visit the forest at sunset;
Don't take a bright gift of your making;
Stay at home by your comfortable fireside
And leave the wild things alone,
                   things alone,
                        things alone...
For this is the way of the wild things;
This is the way that they come;
With a flash of the starlight that's in them;
With the hope of the world that is young.
Leave your gift with intent in the forest
And the unicorn will come to you,
                   come to you,
                         come to you,
And your heart will forever stay young!

© Angela Grant (Kestrel) 9/3/2005